Starting from this week, a Ukrainian courier will be able to purchase the Delfast Partner electric bike on credit.
The terms of the following program are more than simple. The amount of the credit may not exceed ₴100,000, which is around $4,300 at the price of the e-bike $3,999. The customer has to pay the full cost of the product with 3 year years maximum. In order to apply, the one needs to visit our website and submit an application online providing some personal information. After that, the client is contacted by the bank manager who offers the available credit options.
The credit program is the result of the numerous inquiries from Glovo and UberEats delivery guys, whose major obstacle to their career development was the absence of an effective vehicle.
“We are eager to help young and ambitious Ukrainians who are in the very beginning of their professional path. Besides, our main goal is to promote electric vehicles among the delivery services. After all, nowadays there are so many of them and in most cases they use transport that leaves huge emission footprint,”
Daniel Tonkopiy
Delfast CEO & Co-founder
Delfast Partner is the model of the electric bike, specially created for couriers. With this e-bike you are not limited in directions and possibilities; it’s all about efficiency.
P.S. Delfast is planning on launching the similar credit programmes for citizens of other countries, USA & EU.